When the Beaufoy Institute was sold last year, Lambeth Council promised that a portion of the proceeds would be spent on local regeneration projects.
The Beaufoy Institute itself, on Black Prince Road, was bought by Diamond Way Buddhism UK, and the plot of land bordered by Sancroft Street and Vauxhall Way was bought by Bellway Homes. In total, from this sale there is some £200,000 to spend on regenerating Prince’s Ward.
On Wednesday 6th November, Lambeth councillors Cllr Lorna Campbell, Cllr Mark Harrison, and Cllr Stephen Morgan announced the results of their planning and community consultation – the projects on which the money from the Beaufoy sale would be spent. They will also finance these projects with the money from the development at the Old Lilian Baylis School.
The projects that will benefit are:
Durning Library: Lambeth Council are already investing several hundred thousand pounds in this local library, and this extra money (£7,000 from the Beaufoy Institute sale and £19,000 from the Old Lillian Baylis School sale) will go towards improving the IT equipment.
Lollard Street Adventure Playground: The playground was recently handed from Lambeth Council to the Kennington Association, who are planning to transform the area in a big way, which will be helped by a huge £113,000 from the Beaufoy Institute sale and £37,411 from the Old Lillian Bayliss School sale.
Tyers St greening: Creating a grassy corridor from Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens right through to Black Prince Road by greening over Tyers Street is a plan from the Vauxhall Gardens Estate Residents and Tenants’ Association. £10,000 from the Beaufoy Institute sale will fund a traffic study to investigate the effect this could have.
Relandscaping “the pit” outside Coverley Point: The sunken area outside the two 1960’s blocks on Vauxhall Walk is to be made more attractive using £30,000 from the Beaufoy Institute sale and £10,000 from Old Lillian Bayliss School sale.
Since the Beaufoy Institute was founded to benefit the people of Lambeth, it is fitting that its recent change in ownership will have a clear and very local benefit.
You can read about the plans in detail on the SE11 Action Team blog